They Want WHAT?!!! Pandemic Amnesty?!!! HELL NO.

Pandemic Amnesty Cuz, come on, we were all wrong, no one was right, even though you got it right, you got it right for the wrong reasons, therefore you’re wrong, so can we just call a truce? Sorry Not Sorry.

So, this week, one of the most revolting, and infuriating articles I have ever seen in a very long time got put out by the Leftist trash publication, The Atlantic. It was titled, “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty” by one Emily Oster, a professor of Economics at Brown University, and one of the foremost proponents of taking people’s rights, livelihoods, and even children away for non compliance with the insane dictatorial authoritarian COVID policies that were pushed across mainly the Democrat stronghold states and cities.

I first saw the article title on my friend’s phone in his car, as we were driving to lunch in Northeast D.C. the day it came out. I almost threw his phone out of the car.

Pandemic Amnesty? Call the last two years of insane tin pot dictators taking away our lives as just water under the bridge and move on?


Not suprisingly, the Internet blew up on the Atlantic and Mrs. Oster’s plea, and if anything, she brought the last two years of dictatorship that the Democrats wrought on all of us to the forefront faster than a Great White Shark zero’s in on a drop of blood.

Zerohedge summed up the reaction quite well, with their well titled article, You Murderous Hypocrites

The Twitter sphere exploded against Mrs. Oster. As I write this, multiple politicians, and candidates, including Kari Lake and Rand Paul, are talking about forming commissions and investigations into the dehumanizing policies that revoked not just our civil liberties, our human rights, but even our basic humanity from us writ large for the last two years.

How many people were denied those last few moments with loved ones when they were about to die? How many were denied the right to attend the funerals of loved ones? How many children committed suicide, which skyrocketed to all time highs? How many chronic diseases that could’ve been treated were denied for COVID policies, resulting in more preventable deaths? How many livelihoods were destroyed and families put into destitution from destroyed economies?

In one fell swoop, multiple generations, not a generation, multiple generations were decimated financially, physically, socially, and family and friendship bonds were shattered, never to heal again. Whole families and communities were destroyed.

And these promulgators of these inhumane policies, which were shilled by their brain dead, parroting brown shirts, who I’ve called the last two years, hysteria zombies, they actively went out of their way to shatter lives, livelihoods, and more, these demonic, inhuman, scumbags want… COVID PANDEMIC AMNESTY?!!!

Hysteria Zombie, aka COVID Policy Brown Shirt

The Atlantic’s hypocrisy is unbelievable.

They want to call the last two years water under the bridge and move on?

Oh Fuck that. Fuck them all to HELL. No No No No No No No No NOOO!!!!! Absolutely not! There is no forgiveness and there is no forgetting!

This was unbelievable, and even more revealing, it just shows how incredibly evil people, can also be unbelievably stupid, since it’s just a week before mid term elections. First comes the election, then comes the investigation, then comes the tribunals. Then comes prison. Then for some, comes the firing squad, electric chair, lethal injection, and hanging. And for some others, street justice. No one’s going to forget, and very few will forgive without consequences.

And for the brown shirts who shilled for this shit the entire time? Who attacked, bullied, shunned, publicly humiliated, snitched, and more against those of us who dared to question the narrative, who dared to read the journals and ask and think for themselves? We who got de-platformed, fired, isolated, forced to lose livelihoods, forced to watch loved ones die from f–king Skype or Zoom?

Guess what. Karma comes for you COVID Brownshirts. There is NO COVID PANDEMIC AMNESTY. NONE. But here’s the thing. You stupid idiots got to participate in the biggest, uncontrolled, animal clinical trial in human history. And with what we’re seeing from the life insurance industry death payouts reports the last two quarters, that trial is failing miserably, if the whole point was to “keep people alive.”

But if it was for a mass extermination, it’s succeeding spectacularly! And you got to be part of it. Some of us saw through the bullshit, said hell no to the COVID v-a-x-x, and for that, we were discriminated against, lost jobs, livelihoods, families, friends, and were treated like lepers and worse.

I’ve deleted most of my Facebook with the exception of my posts for 2020 regarding COVID, since I’ve left that up as a record. I also took screen shots for my own personal historical record, as my vindication’s been arriving by the truckload now. It only took two years, and at least I discovered the true nature of many people who I once thought were my “friends.”

Now, at least I know who the Walking Dead are.

The article from the Atlantic infuriated me to say this warning to all of you COVID authoritarians, Karens, and Brown Shirt shills for the so called “Science”. You don’t get to use the excuse “The Science Changed.” You don’t get to escape unscathed.

We don’t forgive and we don’t forget. There will be accountability. And there will also be street justice. One way or another, you are about to get what’s coming to you. Hell, given the excess death numbers, that’s already happening.

Good luck 6 months to 4 years from now. (Which is the average time for your average clinical trial….)